You can take the itinerary with you as you travel -- so you can get flight updates AND have all your reservation information with you right on your smart phone.
By using the app, you will have:
If you're viewing your trip on a mobile device (iOS or Android), follow the steps below.
From email: Open the itinerary that was sent to you by email via clicking the "View Trip" button. This will take you to your trip on your device's web browser.
From a URL: Open the itinerary that was sent to you by text via a shared link. Clicking this link will take you to your trip on your device's web browser.
Step 2: Click "View in App" Button
Once you are viewing your itinerary, click the "App" button like the that appears at the bottom, otherwise, a pop-up notification may appear asking if you want to view your trip in the app. You can press this option and you will be taken to the Google Play or App Store to download the Trip Plans mobile app. (SEE A VIDEO EXPLAINER HERE.)
Step 3: Download The Trip Plans Mobile App
This is a free mobile app for you to download and use.
Step 4: Viewing Your Itinerary In The Trip Plans Mobile App
Once downloaded, the Trip Plans mobile app will use the original magic link from your trip to automatically open the itinerary I sent you.
If you're viewing your trip on a computer, follow the steps below.